Today I had the pleasure of walking Smudge the Cocker Spaniel at Marley Common. He was very well behaved and lots of fun. We played fetch for a while and got some funny running pictures…
…and some stick chewing…
What a cutie!
Archie met Sanchez for the first time today. They got on brilliantly! Archie is very quickly becoming confident around other dogs and hopefully he will soon be one of the pack.
Archie the cuddly King Charles is a bit nervous about meeting other dogs so I took him to the Creche today while it was closed to meet Missy the resident Newfoundland. He was nervous at first but once she got bored of sniffing him he settled on the sofa to check her out from a distance. This is his ‘checking her out’ face…
We then popped out for a little walk in the woods. We met a horse which Archie seemed completely unperturbed by.
On Wednesday I took the dogs for wander around Waggoners Wells. After a few minutes of standing on the side the ducks came over to have a look at us. This is Sanchez’s ‘looking at ducks’ face…
He was very good and didn’t dive straight in after them. He looked at me with a sideways glance as if to say “is it ok if I get in?”. I gave him the nod and off he went…
And then much to my surprise, Milo plucked up the courage to jump in too. Normally he won’t even step in a puddle!
… the obligatory shake… definitely more effective OUT of the water…
…followed by a manic run around to dry off…
Monday’s dog walk at Bramshott and Wagonners Wells. Distance: 3.6 miles (5.8 km). Time taken: 1 hour 16 minutes.
Walkers Info: The route is mostly on dry, well-made, wide paths so great for wet weather, particularly on higher ground. The ‘straight’ along the bottom of the map is on an old disused road with tarmac under foot. The South East corner of the route passes quite close to the A3 and so dogs that like to ‘explore’ are probably best kept on a lead at the 2 closest points. Some of the lower paths are a little muddy, mainly those leading down to and away from Wagonners wells, although the paths surrounding the ponds are fairly dry with lots of protruding roots. The route was walked at a fast pace but with a few stops for the dogs to play on route.